Saturday, December 28, 2024

Recovering The Soul

 Recovering The Soul

by Larry Dossey MD

The over arching theme Dossey is what he refers to as the non local mind.  A concept whereby you mind is not fully resident inside your head but draws from a nonlocal source, the Universe/God. The structure of the book is very academic where he introduces his thesis statement in the first third of the book.  The second third of the book provides the science behind the thesis statement.  In the last third he delves into the spiritual aspect, which actually make it real/true.  The book resonated with me as I once wrote the following poem.

The W’holy Instant

W’holy instant; merely an extreme moment

Of which every moment of time should be,

Its meaning discovers the truth in Oneness.

Mankind, all integral pieces of the whole. 

Let truth be just that, as a blooming rose.

Willfully accepting truth as the goal

In relationship with your fellow man,

You emerge as a giver of peace then

Know the universe provides in kind.

This is your only blooming purpose.


Give as you shall receive, radiant

In inspiration in the nature of Us

Transcending earthly perceptions,

With their accompanying illusions

That hold one in ultimate fear.


The truth is not of your mind

But of the universe unfolding

Of which you are One with.

With this knowledge, yours

At peace, complete, Whole