Celestine Prophecy
By James Redfield
I circled back to read this book with two intentions. First was to refresh its powerful message in
my mind. Second was to write a review and share it on Cigar Room of Books.
This book takes a ‘new age’ spin on Christ’s message. It talks about a higher level of
consciousness as a function of the energy in thought. It touches on subjects that for some reason
science backs away from. I honestly do not
know if they back away in fear, or they refute it in the name of ignorance. Perhaps they can explain all these mysteries
away. The fundamental concept is that
people are energy; molecules housed as one collection in a body. This is science. So if energy takes the form of vibrating
molecules: can the by product of those molecules the brain, thought, actually
control the molecules. Psycho-cybernetics.
From the book I provide the following excerpt. “When humans begin to raise their vibrations
to a level where others cannot see them….it will signal that we are crossing
the barrier between this life and the other world from which we came and to
which we go after death. This conscious
crossing over is the path shown by the Christ.
He opened up to the energy until he was so light he could walk on
water. He transcended death right here.” Now there is a lot of dialogue that leads up
to this excerpt that would help the reader more fully appreciate the words
herein. Still yet it is indeed quite a
leap in what…faith. So my question still
stands to the Neigh Sayers of science: does
not science require faith in their own study of the unknown?
The book itself is an adventure novel in pursuit of Insights
across the countryside of Peru. In my mind as an adventure writer Redfield is
a little weak. What keeps the reader
going is to read what he exposes as the Insights them selves. To that I provide a summary, an excerpt from
the book for those who somehow cannot find time for reading any book, let alone
this one.
“I was alert to the mysterious way my life evolved, as
revealed by the First Insight. I knew
that the whole culture was sensing this mystery again as well, and we were in
the process of constructing a new world view, as pointed out by the Second. The
Third and Fourth had showed me that the universe was in reality a vast system
of energy and that human conflict was a shortage of and a manipulation of this
energy. The Fifth Insight revealed that we could end this conflict by receiving
and inpouring of this energy from a higher source. For me, this ability had
almost become habit. The Sixth, that we
could clear our old repeated dramas, and find our true selves, was also
permanently etched in my mind. And the
seventh has set in motion the evolution of these true selves: through question,
intuition of what to do, and answer. Staying in this magic flow was truly the
secret of happiness. And the Eight Insight, knowing how to relate in a new way
to others, bringing out in them the very best, was the key to keeping the
mystery operating and the answers coming. All the Insights have integrated into
a consciousness that felt like a heightened sense of alertness and
expectation. What was left, I knew was
the Ninth, which revealed where our evolution was taking us. We had discovered some of it. But what about the rest? ‘
The rest is covered in a few more books by Redfield and many
other authors. But the bottom line is
let the energy our thoughts connect with the universe. In that connection you will find man-kind as
One. Once again John Lennon’s song
Imagine fills my day. If you don’t read
start your day with his song.
Page 5: The
transformation is beginning with the First Insight, and according to the
priests, this insight always surfaces unconsciously at first, as a profound
sense of restlessness.
Page 5: He said that
when both partners in a relationship are overly demanding, when each expects
the other to live in his or her world, to always be there to join in his or her
chosen activities and ego battle inevitably developers.
Page 6: First Insight
occurs when we become conscious of the coincidences in our lives.
Page 7: More people
every day are convinced that this mysterious movement is real and that it means
something, which something else is going on beneath everyday life. This awareness is the First Insight.
Page 8: When a
sufficient number of individuals seriously question what’s going on in life, we
will begin to find out. The other
Insights will be revealed…one after another.
Page 9: He felt
strongly that church leaders would see this fact if they would try to see life
as a mystery again and then proceed through the other insights.
Page 11: At the time
I felt full of new ideas and was departing for my home town to work with severely
abused children. I thought I knew how
such children could transcend the intense reactions, the obsessive acting out,
that kept them from going on with their lives.
Page 19: I guess the
First Insight is an awareness of the mysterious changes that change one’s life,
the feeling that some other process is operating.
Page 20: History is
supposed to provide a knowledge of the longer context within which our lives
take place. History is not just the
evolution of technology; its the evolution of thought.
Page 22: The first
thing you must understand is that the reality of this time is being defined by
the powerful churchmen of the Christian Church.
Because of their position, these men hold great influence over the minds
of the populace.
Page 22: But
regardless of which class you’re in, the particular work that you do, you soon
realize that social position is secondary to the spiritual reality of life as
defined by the churchmen…God has placed mankind at the center of his universe,
surrounded by the entire cosmos, for one solitary purpose: to win or lose salvation. And in this trial you must correctly choose
between to opposing forces: the force of God to the lurking temptations of the
Page 26: We totally
lost ourselves in creating a secular security, to replace the spiritual one we
had lost. The question of why we are
alive, of what was actually going on here spiritually, was slowly pushed aside
and repressed altogether.
Page 36: It just
happens. It wouldn’t work for me to just
tell you. You might have the information
about each of them but you wouldn’t have the insights. You have to discover
them in the course of your own life.
Page 42: In other
words, the basic stuff of the universe, at its core, is looking like a kind of
pure energy that is malleable to human intention and expectation in a way that
defies our old mechanistic model of the universe – as though our expectation
itself causes energy to flow out into
the world and effect other energy systems. Which of course is exactly what the Third
Insight would leave us to believe.
Page 44: The perception of beauty is a kind of barometer
telling each of us how close we are to actually perceiving energy. This is clear because once you observe this energy;
you realize it’s on the same continuum as beauty. The very next level of perception is to see
an energy field hovering about everything.
Page 54 Oh, I
couldn’t see fields that large at first either, he said I had to start by
looking at my fingers….Lean back and touch the tips of your fingers
together. Keep the blue sky in the
background. Now separate the tips an
inch and look at the area directly between them….take your eyes out of focus a
little and move the tips closer, then further apart.
Page 59: Yes, think of the events of your life. The old Newtonian idea is that everything
happens by chance, that one can make good decisions and be prepared, but that
every event has its own line of causation independent of our attitude.
Page 63: Third
Insight elaborated on the nature of beauty, describing this perception as the
one through which humans would eventually learn to observe energy fields. Once this occurred, it said then our
understanding of the physical universe would quickly transform.
Page 65: It is said
that eventually humans would see the universe as comprised of one dynamic energy,
an energy that can sustain us and respond to our expectations. Yet we would also see that we have been
disconnected from the larger source of this energy, that we have cut ourselves
off and so have felt weak and insecure and lacking.
Page 70: We have
always known that this violence comes from the urge humans feel to control and
dominate each other, but only recently have we studied this phenomenon from the
inside, from the point of view of the individual’s consciousness. We have asked what happens inside human
beings that makes him want to control someone else. We have found that when an individual walks
up to another person and engages in a conversation, which happens billions of
times each day in the world, one of two things happen. That individual can come away feeling strong
oe feeling weak, depending on what occurs in the interaction. For this reason we humans always seem to take
a manipulative posture.
Page 71: In other words we humans seek to outwit and control
each other not just because of some tangible goal in the outside world that
we’re trying to achieve, but because of a lift we get psychologically. This is the reason we see so many irrational
conflicts in the world both at the individual level and at the level of
Page 72: In fact,
this same trauma no doubt happened to her parents before her. They have to dominate now because of the way
their parents dominated them. That’s the
means through which psychological violence is passed down from one generation
to another.
Page 75: The movement of this energy, if we can
systematically observe it, is a way to understand what humans are receiving and
when we compete and argue and harm each other.
When we control another human being we receive their energy. We fill up
at the other’s expense and the filling up is what motivates us.
Page 76: That we
humans, although we are unconscious of it, have the tendency to control and
dominate each others energy. We want to
win that energy that exists between people.
It builds us up somehow, makes us feel better.
Page 87: All this is
still unconscious in most people. All we
know is that we feel weak and when we control others we feel better. What we don’t realize is that this sense of
feeling better costs the other person.
It is their energy that we have stolen.
Most people go through their lives in constant hunt for someone else’s
Page 89: The Third
Insight showed you that the physical world is actually a vast system of
energy. And now the Fourth Insight
points out that for a long time we humans have been unconsciously competing for
the only part of this energy we have been open to: the part that flows between people. This is what human conflict in families and
employment settings to wars between nations.
It’s result of feeling insecure and weak and having to steal someone’s
energy to feel okay.
Page 97: For the
first time in my life, I knew the eart’s roundness not as an intellectual
concept but as an actual sensation.
Page 98: The
realization was present that my life did not, in fact, begin with my conception
and birth on this planet. It began much
earlier with the formation of the rest of me, my real body, the universe
Page 99: Mater was
only energy vibrating at a certain level, and in the beginning matter existed
only in its simplest vibratory form: the
element we call hydrogen. That’s all
there was in the universe, just hydrogen.
Page 106: So the
problem is that everyone is trying to control and manipulate each other for
energy, because we feel short of it.
Page 112: I thought
for a minute. What was the
feeling?? Then it came to me. “Love” I said”I guess I felt a love for
everything”…”Your do not make yourself love”
he said. “You allow love to enter
Page 117: “Yeah, I
said. “You allow love to enter you. But
to do this you must position your mind by remembering what it felt like and try
to feel it again.
Page 119 “Think of how the Insights fall into sequence,’ he
said, “The First Insight occurs when we take the coincidences seriously. These coincidences make us feel there is
something more something spiritual, operating underneath everything we do.
The Second Insight instates our awareness as something is
real. We can see that we have been
preoccupied with material survival, with focusing on controlling our situation
in the universe for security, and we know our openness now represents a kind of
waking up to what is really going on.
“the Third Insight begins a new view of life. It defines the physical universe as one of
pure energy, an energy that somehow responds to how we think.
And the Fourth exposes the human tendency to steal energy
from other humans by controlling them, taking over their minds, a crime in
which we engage because we so often feel depleted of energy, and cut off. This shortage of energy can be remedied, of
course, when we connect with higher source.
The universe can provide all we need if we can only open up to it. That is the revelation of the Fifth Insight.
Page 121: The key to
letting it go is to bring it fully into consciousness, and we do that by seeing
that our particular style of controlling others is one we learned in childhood
to get attention, to get the energy moving our way, and we’re stuck there. This style is something we repeat over and over
again. I call it our unconscious control
Page 126: The first
step in the process of getting clear, for each of us, it to bring our
particular control drama into full consciousness. Nothing can proceed until we really look at
ourselves and discover what we are doing.
It is always in relation to our family members that we
develop our particular dramas.
Each person must interpret his family experience from an
evolutionary point of view, from a spiritual point of view, and discover who he
really is. Once we do that, our control
drama falls away and our real lives takes off.
Page 131: Once we see
our drama we are truly free to become more than the unconscious act we
play. As I said before we can find a
higher meaning for our lives, the spiritual reason we were born to our
particular families. We can begin to get
clear about who we really are.
Page 138: To discover
real self, you must admit that the real you began in a position between their
[your parents]truths. That’s why you
were born there: to take a higher perspective on what they stood for. Your path
is about discovering a truth that is s
higher synthesis of what these two people believed.
Page 146: You are
here because this is where you need to be to continue the evolution. Your whole life has been a long road leading
directly to this moment.
When you fully integrate this view in your life, you will
have achieved what the Manuscript calls a clear awareness of your spiritual
path. According to the Manuscript we al
must spend as much time as necessary going through this process of clearing
your past.
Page 153: Love is not
an intellectual concept or a moral imperative or anything else. It is a background emotion that exists when
one is connected to the energy available in the universe, which of course is
the energy of God.
Page 154: First I
said, you build sufficient energy, then you remember your basic life question –
the one your parents gave you – because this question provides the overall context
of your evolution. Next you center
yourself on your path by discovering the immediate, smaller questions that
currently confront you n life. These
questions always pertain to your larger question and define where you
currently, are in your lifelong quest.
Then the next step is to become very alert and
watchful. Sooner or later coincidences
will occur to move you in the direction indicated by intuition.
Page 156: The seventh
Insight deals with the process of consciously evolving yourself, of staying
alert to every coincidence, every answer the universe provides you…it talks
about the way objects jump out at us, the way certain thoughts come as
guidance….the Eight Insight, you will find it yourself when the time is
right. It explains how we can aid others
as they bring us the answers we seek.
And it describes a whole new ethic governing the way humans should treat
each other in order to facilitate everyone’s evolution.
Page 164: The Seventh
Insight says to compare the story of the dream to the story of your life.
Page 169: The Seventh
Insight says that fear images should be halted as soon as they come. Then another image, one with a good outcome,
should be willed through the mind. Soon
negative images will almost never happen.
Your intuitions will be about positive things. When negative images come
after that, the Manuscript says they should be taken seriously, and not
Page 174: Your body
is vibrating at a certain level. If you
let your energy get too low your body suffers.
That is the relationship between stress and disease. Love is the way we
keep our vibration up. It keeps us
healthy. It is that important. … And
how do we engage this process? I thought
for a moment, “By keeping our current life questions firmly in mind, “ I
said. “And then watching for direction,
either in a dream or in an intuitive thought or in a way the environment
illuminates and jumps out at us.”
Page 178: The Eighth
Insight is next for you. It is about an
Interpersonal Ethic, a way of treating other people so more messages are shared
Page 179: The Eighth
Insights warns against….your growth being stopped…It happens when you become
addicted to another person.
Page 184: Yes, it is
about how humans will eventually learn to relate to each other, and talks of
many things, such as how to project energy to others and how to avoid
addictions to other people. The Eight Insight is about using energy in a new
way when relating to people in general, but it begins at the beginning, with
Page 191: When love first happens, the two individuals are
giving each other energy unconsciously and both people feel buoyant and
elated. That’s the incredible high we
call being in love. Unfortunately, once
they expect this feeling to come from the other person, they cut themselves off
from the energy in the universe and begin to rely even more on the energy from
each other – only now there doesn’t seem to be enough and so they stop giving
each other energy and fall back in to their dramas in an attempt to control
each other and force the other’s energy their way. At this point the relationship degenerates in
to the usual power struggle.
Page 194: Oh we can
still have romance…but first we have to complete the circle on our own. We have to stabilize our channel with the
universe. That takes time, but afterward
we are never susceptible to this problem again and we can have what the
Manuscript calls higher-relationship.
When we connect romantically with another whole person after that, we
create a super-person…but it never pulls us from the path of our individual
Page 195: By
Understanding whose these opposite sexed friends really are on the inside, one
breaks past own’s on fantasy projection about gender, and that releases us co
connect again with the universe.
Page 199: That’s
right…we have and we were doing it consciously, following the Eight Insight. By lifting you up and helping you to get
clear, we could search for truth, the message, that you had for us. Do you understand that? Energizing you was the best thing we could do
for ourselves.
Page 201 The more we
can love and appreciate others, the more energy flows into us. That’s why loving and energizing others is
the best possible thing we can do for ourselves
Because you are giving me more energy than I would otherwise
have, I can see what my truth is and more readily give it to you. When I do that, you have a sense of
revelation about what I am saying. This
leads you to see my higher self even more fully to appreciate and focus on it
at a deeper level, which gives me more energy and greater insight in my truth
and the cycle begins over again Two or
more people doing this together can reach incredible highs as they build one
another up and have it immediately returned.
You must understand, thought, that this connection is completely
different from co-dependent a relationship.
Page 207: The
universe is energy, energy that responds to out expectations. People are part of that energy universe too,
so when we have a question, the people show up who have the answer.
Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise they would have take another path,
or left earlier or later. The fact that
these people are here means that they are here for some reason.
Page 208: Thought
groups are usually evolving along the same lines of interest. They think the same and that creates the same
expression and outward experience. We
intuitively recognize members of out thought group and very often they provide
messages for us.
Page 209When you are appreciating someone at a deep level,
you can see their most honest self beyond any facades they may put up. When you really focus at this level, you can
perceive what someone is thinking as a subtle expression on their face.
Page 215: the idea is
for every member’s energy and vibration to increase because of the energy sent
by all of the others. When this occurs,
everyone’s individual energy field merges with everyone else’s and makes one
pool of energy
Page 222: The Ninth
Insight explains how human culture will change in the nex millennium as a
result of conscious evolution.
Page 223: No one will
consume excessively because we will have let go of the need to possess and to
control for security. In the next
millennium, life will have become about something else.
Page 224: The Ninth
Insight says the overall culture will transform in a very predictable way….the
energy dynamics of the universe, we will see what really happens when we give
someone something. Right now the only spiritual idea about giving is the narrow
concept of religious tithing. The Ninth
Insight says that once we begin to give constantly, we will always have more
coming than we could possibly give away.
“And our gifts… should go to the persons who have given us spiritual
truth. When people come into our lives
at just the right time to give is answers we need, we should give them money…As
more people engage in spiritual economy we will begin a real shift into the
culture of the next millennium.
Page 227: Paying
others for their insights will begin the transformation and then as more and
more parts of the economy are automated, currency will disappear
altogether. We won’t need it. If we are correctly following our intuitive
guidance then we will take only what we need.
Page 229: I was alert
to the mysterious way my life evolved, as revealed by the First Insight. I knew that the whole culture was sensing
this mystery again as well, and we were in the process of constructing a new
world view, as pointed out by the Second. The Third and Fourth had showed me
that the universe was in reality a vast system of energy and that human
conflict was a shortage of and a manipulation of this energy.
The Fifth Insight revealed that we could end this conflict
by receiving and inpouring of this energy from a higher source. For me, this
ability had almost become habit. The
Sixth, that we could clear our old repeated dramas, and find our true selves,
was also permanently etched in my mind.
And the seventh has set in motion the evolution of these true selves:
through question, intuition of what to do, and answer. Staying in this magic flow was truly the
secret of happiness.
And the Eight Insight, knowing how to relate in a new way to
others, bringing out in them the very best, was the key to keeping the mystery
operating and the answers coming.
All the Insights has integrated into a consciousness that
felt like a heightened sense of alertness and expectation. What was left, I knew was the Ninth, which
revealed where our evolution was taking us.
We had discovered some of it. But
what about the rest?
Page 235: This
document makes it sound as though humans are in control, as though we are in
charge in the world. We are not. God is.
The only issue humans face is weather to accept the scriptural teachings
and thereby win salvation.
My Note: This is the argument religion poses to all the
insights: And it may be true if the
church’s interpretation of the scripture were virtuous.
Page 236: Yes I
fought against evolution as a replacement for God, as a way to explain the
universe without reference to God. But
now I see the truth is a synthesis of scientific and religious world
views. The truth is that evolution is
the way God created, and still is creating.
And isn’t that receptivity to God’s energy within what
culminated in the life of a carpenter’s son, the extent that we say God,
himself, descended to Earth?
Page 239: The
Manuscript says that sometime in history one individual would grasp the exact
way of connecting with God’s source of energy and direction and would thus
become a lasting example of this connection is possible. Sanchez looked at me/ “ Isn’t that what Jesus really did? Didn’t he increase his energy and vibration
until he was light enough to ….? Sanchez
ended his sentence without finishing it and seemed to be in deep thought.
Page 240: The Ninth
Insight reveals our ultimate destiny….It makes is all crystal clear. It reiterates that as humans, we are the
culmination of the whole evolution.
Now we can increase our energy and experience the
coincidences consciously.
Page 241: Once they [those people of higher conscience]
reach a certain level [of vibration]
will suddenly become invisible to those
who are still vibrating at a lower level. It will appear to the people on this lower
level that the others just disappeared, but the group themselves will feel as
though they are still right there – only they will feel lighter.
When humans begin to raise their vibrations to a level where
others cannot see them….it will signal that we are crossing the barrier between
this life and the other world from which we came and to which we go after
death. This conscious crossing over is
the path shown by the Christ. He opened
up to the energy until he was so light he could walk on water. He transcended death right here on Earth, a miracle, and
was the first to cross over, to expand the physical world into spiritual.