Friday, January 30, 2015


By Chris Hutchins


This book is an attempt to shift the paradigm of most Americans.  It would be even be better said that in order for an American to accept the views of Hutchins, he would have to come to a Russian understanding of the way things work.  When you look at Russian history the way Russians do the landscape changes.  First you have the Czars.  Then you have totalitarians.  And finally it makes sense that oligarch leadership would finally spawn.   Before I go in to my review of Hutchin’s version of Putin, I’ll throw out two questions to start the paradigm shift.  Who was the victorious army of World War II?  Do you recall the era of Robber Barons in the United States? And for good measure what one word, beginning with an ‘a’ would describe the form of rule in France and England prior to their parliamentary form of democracy?

Review in drat will be posted soon