Sunday, December 13, 2020

Gravity of Thinking



Gravity of Thinking

On the deck of my yacht we are sitting

On the subject of gravity we are chatting

The moon is behind the earth and the sun

Well it's behind the clouds, the sea we sit on

An obedient servant to both masters at once

The sea… she has not the senses nor the will

Yet her tides rise and fall as celestial compel


Aristotle thought and taught, we bought obediently

It was simply water’s nature we said repeatedly

For centuries it was the truth the reality we lived by

Until a chap named Newton, upon science he relied

We lay our claims to gravity as we are now taught

Just say the word gravity and we know and think naught

To give a thought to what it is we actually know


The first of great unifications of physics founded in math

 Taught in school placed on a test for a grade, who’d ask

Does the knowing of celestial bodies come with a big bang

For naught to ask is Its source a primevil atom, t’s this strange

Its source…source are we speaking of God where faith drives

Man to THINK, bring thought into  his own Being and contrive

Gods will, choosing to evolve distinguishing truth from knowing

1 comment:

Paul Murphy said...

Lisa/Chris I really DID NOT post this for you to exploit for your business purpose. I am quite happy to let my typos and writing style be my signature.